Bula! So it's been a while... again.... so I'm just gonna skip over the crappy parts and get to the good stuff.
I'M FINALLY 21! Very exciting, and I can't think of a better way to have spent the day. Me and a handful of friends who didn't mind missing some Tuesday classes headed out to Uprising mid-morning to spend a couple hours lounging, swimming, and sipping some drinks on the beach. Nothing else really noteworthy about the trip - just a relaxing afternoon with good company. That alone was exactly what I wanted.
After getting home to get ready to go to dinner, my roommates surprised me with some lovely gifts. One was a box of good beers from New Zealand and Mexico from Rowan (I actually received this in the morning)
The future English teacher in me really loved the alliteration
Then Sam and the girls gave me this outfit and tried to get me to wear it downtown. Note the pointy Madonna boobs.
And I got a ukulele! Further proof that my friends are awesome.
Dinner turned out really good too. We went to Bad Dog for half price pizza and sangria (their Tuesday special). There were three pizzas though that took nearly an hour to come out, mine included, and even though we didn't even say anything to the wait staff about it, they felt bad and told us that they wouldn't charge us for the late pizzas and brought us out another jug of sangria for free too. And cake! They gave me cake! And it was delicious!
And they wrote my name in strawberry sauce. So cute.
Being a Tuesday night, the bars were pretty dead and a lot of people didn't really want to stay out super late. I was still happy that people came out though, and we still had a great night. I did anyway. And I did not throw up once that night or the morning after, so heck yeah.
This weekend was so cool too. A decent sized group of us headed out to Sigatoka yesterday morning for a camping trip. Sigatoka's main claim to fame is the sand dunes, the same ones Kyle took the UWP group to during our first week. Because Sigatoka is like 2 1/2 hours away, we only had a couple hours of daylight left when we got there, but that was okay because the weather cooperated and it was so much fun out there playing on the giant dunes and in the ocean while we could. Once the sun went down, we built up a giant campfire with driftwood and bamboo that were scattered all over the beach and cooked hobo meals in tin foil in it. Being a remote area, the stars were incredible and it was the beginning (or end?) of a meteor shower too. It was seriously an all around perfect evening. Sleeping on the beach is something everyone should do at least once too. It was sandy and cold (yes, I was cold. It's winter here now - nothing remotely like Wisconsin winters, but it does get kinda chilly at night), but falling asleep looking at the stars and listening to the waves crashing is the most serene thing. Plus, seeing the ocean first thing when you wake up is pretty darn cool. We spent the morning today frolicking in the waves again and just hanging out until it was time to hike out to catch the minibus back.

Our home for the night
Taken from our campsite, dunes in the distance
Beach sleeping: thumbs up
You can run, jump, tumble, whatever down the dunes and not get hurt.
It's a workout getting back up, though.