Monday, May 26, 2014

Everyday life in Suva

After looking over my blog, I realize that not only have I been pretty bad about updating it regularly, but I also only seem to update after adventures to exotic, exciting places. Most of my time is spent here in Suva, and I haven't even put my city in the spotlight yet. Granted, Suva is easily the dirtiest part of Fiji and not somewhere I would recommend staying more than a day or two to the average tourist, but it's still my home in this foreign land.

Today is a pretty good example of an average day that I don't have classes. I woke up, made some eggs, sat on the balcony drinking coffee and reading a book, went for a run (okay maybe that part isn't average for me, but I was feeling motivated today), then met up with Sami and Josh to take a bus into the city. I went to the post office to pick up a package, finally got the Easter package my mama sent godonlyknows how long ago. But hey, new underwear and candy still made me pretty happy a month and a half later! Not being in much of a hurry, we wandered around town for a while and of course hit up the market. I'm going to miss the fresh market so much back in America. So much fresh food that's so cheap. I've made myself learn to cook more dishes over the last few months because it's cheaper and healthier to make meals with food the veggies I pick up there. I would still kill for some Domino's delivered to me though.

I miss real coffee, but the instant stuff is good when I have it on a sunny balcony

Tried taking a pano of Little India, ended up smooshing the cars

Some of the signs in stores make me giggle

Pineapples are gloriously abundant

Cream buns are also an obsession of mine. SO GOOD.

This is only the outside part of the market. The whole thing is huge.

Shipping area on Suva Harbor.
I don't know how to make this not sideways on here.

Sweet chili sauce makes most things better

My homemade veggie sauce is way better than the stuff in jars

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